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I have a task list in SharePoint that I would like to create reminders for. This would be prior to the due date. There is a choice field, "Reminder", that is set to allow multiple selections. Options are "None, 1 day, 7 days", etc. I'm trying to use workflow to kick out the reminders by using multiple Run-If to see if the Reminder field contains that option. If it does, I add the time to date, pause until that time, then send an email. The next run-if follows that one, and so on. When I test it, I'm getting an error. The error is very long, but the most interesting piece stats that Reminder cannot be read as a string. Can someone help?


What do you use to read the reminder field ? Using a switch (since it is a choice) would be the best approach indeed, but run if also work.
Where does your workflow crash ? Does it crash in the run if action ?

I tried the switch, but it always told me that it couldn't resolve the outcome.


I've played around with this more. I'm currently using the Add Item to Collection to collect the selections on Reminder. I'm then using a state machine. In each branch of the state machine I am checking to see if the item exists in the collection, then running an if statement off that. It is working for single item selections now.


The problem that I'm now experiencing is that Check if Item Exists in Collection isn't resolving properly. It isn't finding the item, even if it is there. For instance, using the log to history list I can see "60 days,90 days", but checking for 90 days isn't returning yes.
