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HI, Please help write the nintex workflow. I have 15 folders and each folder has sub folder in lib A#. The workflow has to scan the lib A and move the excel files from sub folder which has status "Move" to folder in lib B. When the file in Lib B is rejected the workflow should move the file back to respective sub folder and change the status to "Ready " for users to update the file and change the status back to "Move" so that the workflow takes the action back to move the file back to lib B#

Instead of using sub folders for the "Move" status. Try using Meta data with a status field. (Move, Ready, etc.) then group by the status so it still has the look of folders. Then you can build a workflow with a conditional start on Status changed to "Move."

Then use the Copy Item workflow action to move the document to your other library. If needed, you can also use the delete item so the item is no longer in library A once it is moved to B.

Sub folders can be a real pain if you're wanting to run workflows on the contents of a library. If the status folder is within another folder, I would move everything out of folders and assign a document type in place of your folder names, then add the status choice field as well.


Hi kassie, 

I have actually used Meta data with status field . Let me rephrase the question. For example I have lib "Poland" and have folders (Argentina, brazil ...) and each folders will have 2  sub folder named as "X" . Now the file should be moved from Argentina subfolder  "X" when status is " Move"  to Lib "USA". when the status "rejected " file should be pushed back to same subfolder (Argentina " X")  from Lib "USA".  Every folder in lib  "Poland" has subfolder with same name "X".

Appreciate your help !

I would create a choice field called "Location" for your Argentina, brazil folders. If there aren't set values for location, then allow fill-in choices so users can add new locations if necessary. Then create another choice field for the sub folder values and use explorer view to move the documents out of each folder one folder at a time so you can do a mass edit in data sheet to assign the location and sub folder value for each one.

you would need to create these fields and assign the meta data to each item so when you run your workflow, the location and sub values can be captured with similar hidden fields in Library B as well and used to move the item back to A in the correct location by reassigning the captured meta data to location and sub fields.  you can group the documents by location with your view so it looks similar to a folder structure.

like this:

(Except "Year" would say location.)

Folder names cannot be captured for use when moving documents as far as I know. Meta data can be retained and used when switching from one library to another.

Hi,  if you see screenshot Say i have Test lib and 2 folders france, Poland and status choice field (ready to Move, Rejected, Complete) and france has 2 folders (current rec and old rec) similarly Poland also will same same folders(Current rec and old rec) when the status of file from current rec is "ready to move " it should be pushed to Test2 lib and if the file in Test2 is rejected, the file should be back to France-Current Records folder. 

I believe we should give source url (here france-Current rec folder url) for the file to get back to appropriate url. I dont know how to provide that logic. I might be wrong too... please suggest

I'm not aware of a way to assign a specific URL back to the file when moving it back to the original folder. Create Item action only allows you to assign the data, not the URL.

Create Item action only allows selection of the entire library with fields you would populate, no URL or folder options at all. Folders can make things difficult. Sorting by data instead could provide a solution.


any help is appreciated. Could anyone help...
