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I have a lookup column in my list. On the form, a user selects an option from a dropdown populated by the values in that lookup column. I would like to take that selected value and use it to lookup another value in that list. But the value I want to retrieve is also from a lookup column.


lookup("Value Chain","Subcategory",parseLookup(pForm].]Subcategory]),"Adoption Level"))


In other words:

lookup(ListName, FilterColumnName, FilterValue which is based on the lookup value selected in the dropdown(parsed), Output columnua lookup column])


In this case "Adoption Level" is the lookup column in the second list that is also a lookup value. When I run my form, the dev console spits back this:


The query to field 'Adoption_x0020_Level' is not valid. The $select query string must specify the target fields and the $expand query string must contains Adoption_x0020_Level


Any ideas on how I can get this to work?

Hi sgrams


Please try using ID field instead of text value to get the value of "Adoption Level"


lookup("Value Chain","ID",parseLookup([Form].[Subcategory],false),"Adoption Level"))


This needs to be stored in a variable and the variable is passed into the lookup control as a filter

Let me know if you have any further questions



Note: 'parselookup(lookup value, false) returns ID of the look item
