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This should be a simple enough function but I can't find any simple solution to it, so hope an expert can help.

Within a repeating section I have 2 fields of interest: "R_Days", a multichoice checkbox 1-31 for days of month, and "R_Full", a yes/no checkbox.  What I need to do is if R_Full is checked then set R_Days to all values (the whole month), and correspondingly, if R_Full is changed to unchecked then reset the value of R_Days back to "", effectively blanking out the days.  

I started down the NWF$() reference path within the main form area but immediately hit the "this cannot be done within a repeating section" message.

Any advice most appreciated.

I believe this should do the trick. 


Here is a test form containing only a Repeating Section in which a Yes / No ("R_Full") Control, and a Choice Control ("R_Days") have been placed:


Before we get started with the bulk of it. Let's make a Global Variable we're going to use later. Go to the Form Settings:


Then expand the Custom Javascript dropdown: 


Inside of the textarea, copy and paste the following code: 


We need to make a global variable that will

store a value which can tell us if our form

is ready. It's initialized as false because

when it's created, the form isn't ready.


var NCU = {FormVariables: {pageIsReady: false}};


Now we need to setup something to change the value

once the form *is* ready.


NWF.FormFiller.Events.RegisterAfterReady(function () {

NCU.FormVariables.pageIsReady = true;


(NOTE: if you already have custom code in there, just add this to the top or bottom!)


All this does, as it is explained in the code, is give us a way to know if the form has been initialized and is ready. This is useful to us because we will be using a formatting rule to initiate the handling of checking / unchecking all of the R_Days boxes, and rules will typically run when the form is being created, which would be bad because that means our R_Days could be checked or unchecked before we even had a chance to touch the R_Full control (meaning we could lose data if some was already there!). 


With that out of the way, save your Form Settings, and then select Rules from the Navigation Ribbon:


With the Rule Panel open, select the R_Full control inside of the Repeater Section, and create a Formatting Rule:


After you have named it, and made sure it's on Formatting, click on the little Formula Builder button to open the Formula Builder dialog


Copy and Paste the code below:

(function(formControlCall, daysControlName) {

if (NCU.FormVariables.pageIsReady !== true) {

return false;


var formControlID = formControlCall.split("'")[1] || "";

var targetControl = sourceContext.find("[formcontrolid='" + formControlID + "'].nf-filler-control");

var isChecked = targetControl.find("[formcontrolid][id]").prop("checked");

var daysControl = targetControl.siblings("[data-controlname='" + daysControlName + "']");

var days = daysControl.find("input[type='checkbox']");

days.each(function(index, day){

NWF$(day).prop("checked", isChecked);


return false;

}("{Control:Self}", "R_Days"))

Here is the same code as above, but with comments added so that you can see what each thing does:

(function(formControlCall, daysControlName) {


This uses our previously created global variable

to return early in the event that this has been

invoked before the form is ready


if (NCU.FormVariables.pageIsReady !== true) {

return false;



Using the formControlCall string, we can split out

the formcontrolid value from it


var formControlID = formControlCall.split("'")[1] || "";

/* Using that value we can then target the control in question */

var targetControl = sourceContext.find("[formcontrolid='" + formControlID + "'].nf-filler-control");

/* Now that we have our targetControl, we can figure out if it's checked or not */

var isChecked = targetControl.find("[formcontrolid][id]").prop("checked");

/* Now we grab a reference to the sibling "R_Days" control in the same Repeater Row */

var daysControl = targetControl.siblings("[data-controlname='" + daysControlName + "']");

/* Lastly we get a reference to all of the Days contained therein */

var days = daysControl.find("input[type='checkbox']");

/* With a simple loop, we set the value of each day to that of the R_Full checkbox */

days.each(function(index, day){

NWF$(day).prop("checked", isChecked);


return false;

}("{Control:Self}", "R_Days"))


Once the code has been added, click on OK:


Save your form, and test it out!








I hope that this helps to solve your problem!


Many thanks for such a well-written solution - works perfectly!
