My requirement is to copy a master (custom) list item across to another list and also copy the related child list items to a separate source custom list to a destination custom child list . A Nintex for Office 365 List Workflow once triggered on the master list Item does all the work behind the scenes. To preserve the master-details relationship I indeed to insert the Title or ID to update a lookup field in each newly copied child list item.
Copying the current item using an Insert Item Action works fine..
Next I have to deal with one or more child items . I think this means only a Dictionary and a For Each Loop can do this.
In my For loop, I have quite a few Get Dictionary Item Actions and most work fine ( as long as I ensure I use the static names in the Path)
The issues I current have are:
- User field as normally I populate a text variable ( then set formatting options) .. but in this case it suspends the workflow (lovely)
- The Rich text field comes back as HTML (ouch). I guess this regex if the user still wants store rtf
3. populate the lookup field (I have yet to see if this works because of the other issues._
One thing I have noticed that there is cNAME] Item field i can bring back as a txt variable using the Get Dictionary Item and this is a JSON representation of the List item inc the actual name. value mention above. Should I be using this in both cases.
Anybody had similar issues?