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I don't see any workflow history.

Hi Joe,

In Office 365, you can see the Workflow Status page by going to item dropdown menu, selecting the More > Workflow option, and clicking on the workflow name in the Running or Completed Workflows section.

On premise, you can see the Workflow Status page by clicking on the workflow name status field in the list view or selecting Workflow from the item dropdown menu. You can also view the Workflow Progress (visual representation of the workflow) page by going to the item dropdown menu, selecting the View Workflow History option, and clicking on the workflow name in the Running/Completed/Cancelled & Errored Workflows section.

The Workflow Progress (visual representation of the workflow) page is not available in Office 365.

Hi jgabella,

Is there a reason why the workflow Progress (visual representation of the workflow) page is not available in Office 365. 

We are encountering the same issue in our newly built SP 2019 environment. We’ve raised this with Nintex Support as we are currently using for our Automation but feedbacks are not what we hope for.

Appreciate some insights on this.

Hi  @bamaeric 

Is there a reason why the workflow Progress (visual representation of the workflow) page is not available in Office 365. 

We are encountering the same issue in our newly built SP 2019 environment. We’ve raised this with Nintex Support as we are currently using for our Automation but feedbacks are not what we hope for.

Appreciate some insights on this.
