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I have a task process that is assigned to a group of users. What i'm looking to capture is the date the participant selects on the form. Is there a way of capturing that?

Hi Jonathan,

What do we mean by Date the participant selects on the form? Is there a seperate field on the task form which captures date? or the date the user first opened this task form?



Yes the date on the form that I am looking to capture is the migration date, below is a screenshot of my form.

Hi Jonathan,

I don't have an Office 365 subscription with myself so cant validate this, but generally in OnPremise you would be able to query the task list separately and get all the details as Nintex Task would save all the details there.? Have you tried seeing the task list and see if you can query from your workflow?




as you probably have noticed in both actions, "Assign a task" and "Start task process" at the very end of the action's configuration window there is a field to assign a collection of tasks' IDs generated by that action to a variable. What you have to do is then to go through that collection and query the tasks' list using IDs from it to obtain information you need.

Even if this is your field, it is accessible by the "Query list" action.


