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I am trying to add a document within a library to a list Item using the AddAttachment web method inside the "Web Request" action. But the document is corrupted after added as attachment.

The workflow failes, if I use " FileData]" as token. If I use "FileData" or "base64Binary", the workflow works ok, but the document is corrupted again. Is there another token or way to do that in Office 365?


Any help is appreciated.


Usually I use REST requests to copy files (Call HTTP Web Service action).
For example, to copy attachements from item to another :

{Variable:Current Site URL}‌/_api/web/getfilebyserverrelativeurl(@v0)/copyto(strnewurl=@v1,boverwrite=true)?@v0='‎‏{Variable:Attachment URL}‌'&@v1='‎‏{Variable:List Relative URL}‌/Attachments/‎‏{Variable:List Item ID}‌/‎‏{Variable:Attachment File Name}‌'

After having featch the Request Digest to be able to do POST request, by calling :

{Variable:Current Site URL}‌/_api/contextinfo

and fetching the XML node : //* local-name()='FormDigestValue']

Hi @allan,

thanks for your feedback. I already use "call http web service" action to copy list item attachments to a library, but I am not able to configure the action properly the other way around.

So could you please explain a little more detailled, how to use and configure the actions to add a document to a list item attachment?

Many thanks in advance.

In fact if you already managed to copy a list attachment to a doc lib, it is the same thing.
You just have to copy the file to /sites/YourSite/Lists/YourList/Attachments/YourItemID/YourFile

Hi allan,

thanks for your reply. I tried that earlier, but was unable to use this structure /sites/YourSite/Lists/YourList/Attachments/YourItemID/YourFile in O365. I was not able to copy a file to a list item, in the way I tried it. But maybe there was a fault in my request.


Anyway, I could resolve my issue by using Nintex Workflow Cloud - that was very easy and simple. 


But as soon as I have a bit more time, I will give a new try to your solution 🙂
