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I know, there are some posts related to the task outcomes, but couldn't find the answer. In default, my Nintex Workflow task outcomes are "approved" and "rejected". In my Nintex form, the task outcome field is connected to a nintex generated column called "Nintex Task Outcomes 2ec3d0aa-5c4b-4de4-a420-ab2412XXXXXX".

So, if I would like to change the outcome e.g. from "approved" to "approved and xyz", where do I have to edit the outcome? In the Nintex Workflow? Or directly in the list column (will the workflow get this change automatically)? Anything else I have to do for a change like this?


Additionally: I have five tasks in my workflow. All five taks are using the same outcomes and probably the same nintex generated task outcome column (at the moment there is only one). For the case that I need to edit the outcomes in the workflow: will nintex generate new task outcome columns automatically if my changed outcomes for my five tasks are not longer the same?

Thank you!

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