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How can I hide a control based on the below condition ?

Status Of Request =! 'With HR' or Status Of Request =! 'With Marketing'

In other words, hide the control if Status of Request contains the value 'With HR' or contains the value 'With Marketing'


I have found a solution that works correctly using: and(StatusOfRequest=! 'With HR', StatusOfRequest=! 'With Marketing')


Why does a formula like this: =(StatusOfRequest =!"With HR' || StatusOfRequest =! 'With Marketing)  not work ??? (I have tried all types of brackets and did not get the desired result


What do you think about the formula example below:

If(Identity Validated !='Identity validated',False,Status Of Request Package!='With HR - building the package')

In other Words, hiding the control when Identity Validated is not equal to 'Indentity validated' or StatusOfRequestPackage is not equal to 'With HR - building the package'

Is this a recommended way of hiding the control?

hide rule‌

Hi I am stuck with similar issue. to my understanding so far rules done get applied until you click save button. Infopath had much dynamic rules which trigger instantly. i suggestion is try java script.

It's possible to use the Formula Editor but you need to find the proper logic in using it.

Ok on an side note. Can you tell me how we can cancel a form submission in JavaScript? And let the use complete the form?

=(StatusOfRequest =!"With HR' || StatusOfRequest =! 'With Marketing)

The quotations don't balance and you are using a blend of single and double quotes. Also, || is an or operator, while you've used an and operator in the working example. The or is going to result in it always being true and always hiding.

I would suggest using the runtime functions.

=and(not(startsWith("With HR", StatusOfRequest)), not(startsWith("With Marketing", StatusOfRequest)))

Thanks Jeremiah, your are right, precise formulation Is required.

I think it should be vey nice a set of business cases and formula's that work, because it took me a long time to get to a level which works.
