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I have a form with a list lookup dropdown pointed to attendance pay periods (attached csv file).  I was wondering if there is a way to automatically display the current period based on today’s date (Whichever period today is in) when you open a new form?




Hi @dperani 


To do this you should expand on the lookup list to include dates we can query, for example I built a list that contains the start and end dates for the period and a calculated field to test if today falls within said dates.



To build the calculated field you can use this formula: =IF(AND(TODAY()>=Start,TODAY()<=End),"Yes","")

Please configure the field as follows:


The important part is that it is a single line text returned from the formula, Yes/No does not work with lookup.


Now when you add the lookup control to the form you can configure it as follows: 


When configured it should only show the current pay period in the dropdown. 


Hope this helps!

@Jake That works exactly like I wanted it to.  Thank you so much!!!
