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I am trying to create an expense form (using the modern responsive form for Office 365), in which I have a repeating section with a row per claim.

The repeating section should contain:

  • Claim Type: Hotel or Mileage
  • Amount
  • Mileage (hidden)


I successfully created a rule that:

  • If Claim Type == Mileage shows the Mileage field and disables the Amount field


I am trying to create a rule that:

  • Whenever Mileage is filled, sets Amount = Mileage * 0.45


When I try to define this rule I get an error, saying that the form control 'Mileage' is an array and not a number. How do I build this formula? I have attached a couple of screenshots.




Unfortunately, New Responsive Forms only support aggregate functions. So you could do the following:
1) Create a variable, called NumTotalAmount, that is assigned the sum of all the Mileage values X 0.45
2) Create rule to set the value of a control outside the Repeating Section with NumTotalAmount
If you are required to show the Amount value by line item in the Repeating Section then you need to submit the enhancement request in
Since I need a similar ability to access individual values in a Repeating Section in the current row, I'd be happy to up-vote your submission
