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We have noticed an issue after migrating the forms (using Sharegate) from OnPremise to O365. The FormData field does not seem to have copied over. When we try to query the field

It gives the below message saying “ Field or property ‘FormData’ does not exist“





The data in the field is critical in multiple forms, We wanted to know how this can be ported over


The form data column is a hidden column.
You may need to ask ShareGate how this can be migrated.
Also please note that the onpremise hidden form data column has a different name in O365.

There most likely question from sharegate would be can this field be unhidden for sharegate to be able to pick it up.

In O365 the internal name of the field is the same(FormData) but rest api seem to refer it as NFFormData

@kk this column can be unhidden be editting the List Content Type within SharePoint (see video below), however when it comes to mapping that data to a field in O365, that would be a question the ShareGate team would have to answer for you.


Thanks for this @butlerj but even after unhiding it in O365 list, the field does not show up in the list/listcontenttype so Sharegate is unable to pick it to allow data copy

@butlerj Even in the video you can see that once Form Data is made optional the field does not show up in the contenttype

@kk interesting. Sorry I didn't notice that when capturing the video. I'm actually not 100% sure why that would be given that you can definitely see the column when you go into 'Column Order' so SharePoint knows that it's there :/

I will keep doing some investigation and see if I can find a fix for this.

It seems its due to the NFFormData/FormData field being "sealed" and part of the "_Hidden" column group

@kk I just pinged one of our engineers to see if there's anything that can be done with a "sealed" column once it has been configured that way. My understanding is that there is not, but want to confirm with someone a little closer to the code. Will update shortly.

@kk After doing some testing it appears that you cannot modify the column group (you can make access the column settings at the site level via: https://<SITE URL>/_layouts/15/fldedit.aspx?field=FormData&Source=%2F%5Flayouts%2F15%2Fmngfield%2Easpx%3FFilter%3DAll%2520Groups), as when you try and update it from the _hidden group it just reverts to that group. I've also found that the only way to "unseal" a column is through Visual Studio, and I have no idea what that ramifications of that would be. 


This might be a little backwards, but given that the FormData field is just a multiline text field, would it be possible for you to copy the data from that field to a new text column on the list using workflow and then have ShareGate map that field to the new field in O365? 

So finally resolution was

1. Create a custom FormData Colum say FormDataTemp

2. Workflow to copy FormData content to FormDataTemp

3. Create a custom FormData Colum say FormDataTemp in Target O365 list

4. Migrate content from onprem to O365 (copy FormDataTemp to O365)

5. Powershell script to copy formDataTemp to NFFormData in O365



Would you have a sample of the workflow written and the PowerShell written
