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Hi All,
I have setup a variable called ftDate and use the forumular below

formatDate(IncidentDateTime, "dd-MM-yyyy")
When i use dd-MM-yyyy i get the correct output e.g 10-12-2020
But when i use dd/MM/yyyy I get Fri December 2020 Australian time bla bla..

Why is this?
I need the format like this 10/12/2020

Thanks in advance


Please provide more information about this issue.
What build of Nintex Workflow are you using?
Are you using a build string action with the format date inline function or something else?

Hi Simon,

I think i have provided more info on this.

See variable screenshot

The original filed i'm coverting is just a date field- Date and Time

Does this make sense?

Ok. You posted in the Nintex for SharePoint section but your screen shot is for Nintex for O365 so i have moved the post accordingly.

It appears you are using Nintex Forms variables and not workflow as i first thought so this is why I need more information.

I tested this functionality and it is working as expected.
make sure that your Nintex Forms app is up to date on O365.
THanks No worries.
Can you please send me the link to the new post you moved to Nintex Office 365.
Also what latest version should i be using to get this workin?
There is no new post. I moved the whole thread to the correct category.

Go to site contents n classic mode. Look for the Nintex forms app and see if there are any messages advising an update is available. This may not be the issue but its a start.
