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I want my form to allow users to select items using a dropdown control, then enter a quantity and have the associated price displayed, and a total price at the end when combined with all the other items.


I tried some things in new responsive designer with list lookups and variables and rules to set values based on the selected items but nothing works.  After selecting the item in the dropdown I cannot get it to set the price.


Has anyone else done this?  Can you point me to examples?

Here is one problem that I run into -

I have list lookup for the user to select the item. After the item is selected, the user can select the price per item on the next lookup. After that, the user can enter the quantity.

When price per item and quantity are filled, I want to have it display the subtotal, price per item * quantity. But no matter what I enter into the rule, it never calculates anything. I even replaced the value of the Quantity control with a hard-coded number like 2, yet it does not calculate anything other than 0.

convertToString(convertToNumber(parseLookup([Form].[PricePerUnit1])) * 2)

It seems that the new responsive form does not yet allow us to use rules to set value of a number control, which is unfortunate, but it should be able to set the value of a text control, and this is a text control and that is why I have to convert to number and then convert back to string, but this is a bummer if it cannot even do calculations in the rules at all.


Use 'unit price' field's ID to parse the lookup,.it will not work with text

Let me know if you have any further questions






