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I have a problem when publishing flows with caml query actions I get the following message: Error publishing workflow. Microsoft.Workflow.Client.InvalidRequestException: Cannot publish workflow fb26470a-1ebd-43fc-aade-94e062bb6806 to scope /spo/a58d4a25-0c30-4e42-ba86-73fec5b2f5a3/f0bed7e8-fadf-4408-90c2-0ce02ff10700/49a2dd54-7560-4428-a88a-477d01e1f14e because the system is performing maintenance on the target activity. Try again after 5 minutes. HTTP headers received from the server - ActivityId: 34e59141-479d-4f8d-af2c-95c8379a85a9. NodeId: WFFE_IN_26. Scope: /spo/a58d4a25-0c30-4e42-ba86-73fec5b2f5a3/f0bed7e

Hi @MonicaVi10 

  1. Can you share your CAML query?
  2. Why not use the Nintex Query Builder? It should suffice for most situation

the strange thing is that when removing the action the flow can be approved normally


Hi @MonicaVi10 

Use “Log to History” to debug and display the values.
Sometime you expect a specific value but another value or no value is return 

  • Before the Query List, Value of  
  • After Query List, Value of 


Could you tell me where I activate the Log to History?

Hey @MonicaVi10 

Best debugging tool !!


a ok, 

but I can't publish it if I have the action


What are you query against? a document library?


Column →

Property →

Operator → ( <,>, ==, != etc)


Standard list Query has Column and Operator
Column →

Operator → 


Aainst a sharepoint list.
What are you sending me from the operators, what is it for?


Ignore that. 

I suggest you to lodge an issue with Nintex Support because you are unable to publish
