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We are migrating Nintex workflow from SharePoint On-Premise to SharePoint online.

During import,we are provisioning customer domain. At this time, we are geting an ArgumentException i.e. "One or More error" has occurred (we are not sure about inner exception for this). So do you have any inputs when this type of error i.e. "One or More error" can occur while provisioning customer domain? Below is the sample code that we have written to provision customer domain.


         HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(ProvisionEndpoint).Result;
         string json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;


         if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                  response = client.PostAsync(ProvisionEndpoint, new StringContent(string.Empty)).Result;


         ProvisionResponse result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ProvisionResponse>(json);
         string result = result.Data.Domain;
catch (Exception ex)

//Throwing exception ArgumentException that One or More error has occurred.





Provisioning a customer domain does not fall within the realm of Nintex workflows for O365 as Nintex operates within the tenant for SharePoint online. May I suggest you reach out to Microsoft for assistance with this.


You also cannot directly import a workflow from on-prem to O365, but must migrate it using one of our migration partner products: Sharegate, AvePoint, Quest.


