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Hi, I'm evaluating Nintex for O365 and this task sounds like something simple but ..


Copy Document action cannot copy to specific folder. I can use Office 365 upload file and this works but I have to enter my credentials and all documents that I copy have Created by set to credentials entered.


Sorry to say, but these are all the options you have. Well, in the end you can always use the "Call HTTP Web Service" or "Web Request" action to manually use the SharePoint REST endpoints to handle copying the file for you: Files and folders REST API reference 



Thanks, Tomasz .. I have managed to Copy file to specific folder using CopyTo method. The only problem is that this function just overwrites the file it already exists. Do you have an idea how to create a new version if the file already exists?

First you need to check whether the file exists, using a separate logic - ex. use the "query list item" to get an item, where name is equal to your filename - if in return you get a string - file exists. Other way not. Then create either "run if" or "conditional switch" to process your file copying.



It's an interesting one - I had to do this on-site recently. It almost looks like the API handles it, until you read in detail in MSDN about it - Files and folders REST API reference 

And of course there is no documentation about what "AllowBrokenThickets" means...

Stjepan D‌ if you have resolved your problem, please mark one from the above answers as correct, so that other users will know here is a verified solution


