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I can check to see if a file is uploaded by querying.


How do I repeat this with a list of files? I have a list containing file names. User uploads file. I want the workflow to check if the uploaded file is among the list of file names (manually triggered workflow)


What I intend to do is loading the list (which I do not know how to) then looping through to see each item on the list is available (uploaded) inside a specific folder.


Any help on the right direction is much appreciated!

Hi Shanan,

I'm not sure on the specifics of what you are trying to achieve so apologies if I am not on the right track, but by using the Query List action you should be able to retrieve a number of items at the same time.

You could retrieve the list of names in one query, then use the For Each loop to check each one against the record you want to check. 

Ideally you will want to design this in a way where the number of actions taken does not increase as the number of documents are uploaded over time. Using Query List to retrieve specific sets of documents is the best way to achieve this.

Hope this helps



Sorry for the confusion and thanks for offering help!

This workflow will be triggered manually. Here are the steps.

- List holds file names

- User uploads files to a library

- Workflow to retrieve both library and list contents and cross check

- It will check to see if all items from 'List' is available on library

- If an item is not available in library (based on checking by file name) - the list will put 'No' on the column called 'Available'

This way, user will have info on who has uploaded file and who hasn't

My Progress.

- I queried both list and document library.

- I put List items into a collection and library items into another collection

- Looping through list items to see if they exist in library collection.

I am stuck at for-loop & 'Check if Item Exists' action point as it is not working

I have attached the workflow. Any help is much appreciated!
