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I have two lists.  


  1. Company Pool Car Request - SharePoint Online list & Nintex form
  2. DriverRecord - SharePoint Online list


The first list contains 3 columns:



Driving Record Clear - currently set up as a list lookup in the Nintex form for the second list


In the first list, the Requestor is auto populated:   Context].tCurrent user display name]. 

The Approver is the Requestor's manager: 

userProfileLookup(eContext].oCurrent user email],"Manager". 

I'd like to query the second list and save the data from the second list to the Driving Record Clear column.


The second list contains 2 columns.  This list is managed by the Admin Assistant. Her job is to enter employee information and check to make sure their driving record is clear.





When the Nintex form is launched, I would like the Requestor column to check to see if RecordClear is set to Yes or No in the second list and save the value in the Driving Record Clear for the first list.  


I am not sure the best way to accomplish this.

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