Hi John,
This is not a common error and there may be something wrong that needs some technical investigation. If you're still not able to open the workflow I'd recommend that you open a support case with Nintex Support who will be able to assist in diagnosing this.
Why I am receiving this email
Sukrut Warkari
Sukrut Warkari wrote:
Why I am receiving this email
Because you subscribed to it? Or followed it? Or flagged it? Or tagged it? Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet?
As for John's original question / error - I have just run into the exact same issue. I was editing a workflow, saving periodically as I went along, and then my browser crashed. When trying to get back into the workflow to carry on, I now repeatedly get that same error message.
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be versioning available for Nintex Workflow on 365, so unless tech support can work some magic, I've got a major problem
Hi Nigel,
Are you able to contact Nintex Support so we can get a case open to look at this, I'm quite confident that we'll be able to sort this out for you.
Hi Callum,
I logged a ticket yesterday. I've been sent through a word doc with 2 possible solutions, but neither works. The reference number is ref:_00D90q6Cb._500902Cupty:ref ]