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I'd like to create a repeating section that leverages the new lookup() function to create an equipment request form.


When a user selects a particular product, I want the form to lookup an html <img src=""> tag in a text field in the reference list, and display it in a calculated field to display that image.


I can do this just fine using the lookup() function, but when I go to save the form (with multiple line items in the repeating section), i get an error


"A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client...", with a big long ID string for that particular calculated field.


It appears it does not like the HTML tag (with quotes, double or single) being part of the XML in the form or a variable.


Has anyone done this before or know the right way to do this?  I'd rather not use custom javascript if possible.

Try one thing

  • Put your lookupvalue in the calculated column and check if you are getting # before value, if that's the case then html tag shows the above mention error.
  • Instead of Lookup try to put the hardcoded value from another list in the html tag if it works then the issue is definitely due to the special characters


You got any solution?

I think that this error is a product limitation.

I resolved this error adding the number of Repeating Sections I need into the form and then save it (in New Mode). Then return back and add the fields and images associated (in Edit Mode). You need also turned on Recalculate formula on view mode for the image control.

To do it in the same form page, I created a workaround including a SAVE AND CONTINUE button. In other words, when I open the form in New Mode and after clicking in this button, the form turns to Edit Mode without exit the page. So, the error disapear. An important hint: You need to define as default an number of Repeating Section rows inside its setup, for example, 5 rows limited to 5 rows too. Above the limite pre-determined the form will show the same error as before.

Special Thanks to Prasanna Sathyamurthy 
