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I have built an in-depth evaluation form for my team. It’s connected to our SharePoint site, and on a list, we use the new Nintex form builder. I think we are on the O365 version if that helps. 
So, I have several multiple-choice columns, with up to 20 items in each one. I need a way to calculate the percentage of selected boxes from several columns of data. For example, if I have 5 multiple-choice sections, I need to calculate the percentage of all of those choices; we are using them as pass/fail. 
Please help. 

Hi @ZiplinePete,

If you want to display this percentage on the form you can use a Label control to display the calculation.
How this is done will depend on the form type being used.
If you are using a New responsive form you would use a formula to add up all the control results.
A controls result would use the formula: (count((Form]..Choice  multiple 1])/20)*(100/1) for 20 options.

If you are using a responsive or classic form you would use a calculated control to display the percentage and the calculation for each control would be : (count(choice)/20)*(100/1).

Thanks for messaging! Here is what I am getting back. Am I making this formula in the right place? 


Hi @ZiplinePete,

Yes, it's the right place.  As the output is a decimal number you need to change the type to decimal.  In the image you have it as text.

@SimonMuntz thank you for all your help so far! 
You got it I had to change it to Integer. The big picture is, I need it to add up multiple multi-choice items, then give a percentage… here is the code I was trying, 

(count(cForm].FLP 1]+
+Form].[Ergonomics  Unloading])/52)*(100/1)

Looking for what I am doing wrong here, I’m not coder… 

Hi @SimonMuntz,

You have to do a count for each control and then do the calculation.
If I had two multi choice controls with 3 options in each, the rule would look like this:

((count(tForm].]Choice  multiple 1]))+(count(tForm].]Choice  multiple 2])))/6*(100/1)


Thanks Simon! I’ve been trying to figure out how to do that for FOREVER! 
