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Hi All,


I am using Nintex Form + Nintex Workflow on SharePoint Online, and I have a very simple requirement.


I would like to build a string for the custom FormID by using Nintex Workflow, with this format: ABC-2019-00001

The "ABC" part is fixed prefix;

The "2019" part is current year;

The "00001" is the sequency number, which retrieve from another SharePoint list (counter list), and it should pad left with total 5 digit, and finally, update the counter list.

And the "-" is a fixed string as the sperator.


My current state as below:

1. Get current time: no problem, I create a "DateTime" variable, and set it "Use date when action is executed"

year by using "fn-FormatDate()" / "formatDate()" (I am not sure what are the different on this).

2. Get current year: retrieve the year part from the Current time variable, I tried following formula but invain, it either return empty string or the raw text of the formula:


3. Pad Left for ID: I get the lastID from the list and assigned to an "number" variable, and use Calculate function to plus 1. And I would like to pad left with 5 digit, same result of format date:
     fn-PadLeft({Variable:FormID}, 5, 0)


Any suggestion?





Well, due to we haven't formatDateTime, PadLeft, those inline function (compare to Nintex for SharePoint on-premise version), we have the following stupid workaround:

Hope the inline function come back ASAP
