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My form has been designed using Responsive (not New Responsive). My form has a total of SIX different groups that will be working on one item, which is divided into different stages. Here's how it works:


  • Requestor submits initial information
  • Status changes to 'Pending Approver' and the Approver will then see the info provided by the Requestor and submit additional information.
  • Status changes to 'Pending X,Y,Z' and each team (X, Y, Z) will receive an concurrent email but will be unable to view the other's panels because the panel is controlled by the expression fn-IsMemberOfGroup.
  • Status changes to 'Pending Supervisor'. Once the X,Y, and Z teams have finished their review, the form will then be presented to the Supervisor.


The issue is, I can not reliably capture the logged in user's name for the Approver, X, Y, Z, and the Supervisor. When the form changes statuses and views, the control will recalculate the user name and won't accurately capture the name of the user that filled out the information. How can I adjust the formula to make sure the integrity of these fields are correct?

you can use the versioning of your list, and so you can view all the modification made on your item and by how.

Else, if you need this information on your item, the only way is to made a workflow that append this information in a note field after a modification. (For exemple you can start a workflow on item modification, get the value of "Modified by" and append this to a "history" Note field).

