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How to get the group/user name of a multi person-/group column?

  • 2 September 2024
  • 2 replies


when I use the “Query a list” action in NAC to get a list item from SharePoint, the column with multiple users only returns the ids of the users. Is there a way to get the name of the user by using the ids? I could not find an action to achive this. Is there maybe a different way to get all the names from the column?

Thank you and best regards


Hi @NiklasG 

Kindly see the attached documentation. When we have a multiple people/group column from SharePoint, NAC only returns the ID, so we have to query the users’ details via a web service which takes the user ID as a parameter to get the user details such as the email and names. If you just want the names of the users, then “$ 'd']['Title']” should also work when you use the query JSON action.


I had come across a similar situation.  I have created a component workflow with the same logic. The workflow that is calling this component workflow passes the Site URL from the Context and User IDs.  The component workflow receives the above values and does the rest of the job as described in the above article.
