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Assign flexi task in component workflow

  • 22 August 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi I have a scenario where i have multiple forms and each form different level of approvers and i have to create seperate workflow for each form  , so to make it dynamic i can create a component workflow with looping task assignees based on form and call the this component workflow for task assign on form submission , but the challenge is how do i pass the task form for approvals Please suggest any ideas on this.


Thank you

Hi @asifm07,

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Component workflows have input and output variables configured from the start event panel.

To pass variables back to the parent workflow from the component, you just need to check the box to configure an output variable.

The Approval action does not have output variables so you will need to set the output with another variable.

When using the call a workflow action in your parent, you will see fields for your input and output variables.

As you are executing approvals in a component workflow you would probably want to wait for the response before continuing with the workflow so clicking the “Wait for this workflow to complete before continuing” radio button will achieve this behavior.

The following video takes you through using the call workflow action to call a component workflow.


Hi @asifm07 Have you resolved your question? 
