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I tried to add the Current User name as a default value on a people field but it doesn’t work. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. 


Hello @mlefebvre, can you try to use the email address rather:



Hi @mlefebvre 

There should be a SPACE char in your formula. 
E.g. Firstname = “Nintex”, lastname = “User
No space => “NintexUser” (which will not find the said user)
Witth space => “Nintex User” ((will resolve and locate user”


You can verify this by adding another Text box and using he same default values.

If both are empty - You are probably using Workflow Testing mode. You need to publish the workflow and run it.
If the People picker is empty and the text box is filled, you will see that the firstname and lastname are joined without any space and as such the people picker cannot find the user’s name and display as empty

If both people picker and textbox are filled, congrats.


Hi @mlefebvre 

Did these responses help answer your question? 


Hi MillaZ,


I didn’t have time to try it, I was working on something else. I plan to test it today or tomorrow.


Will keep you post.


Hi @MillaZ and @Garrett ,


I have the same value in my text box and my people field but my people field doesn’t show my name but the text box yes. What is the problem?





I tried to add dContext].tCurrent user].rEmail] and it is working. It is showing the name not the email.


Thank you.


