If you bring up the view in the designer, does it highlight anything with a red exclamation point? Also, if you have any rules that set the state of controls all together I've found that they don't react well when controls are removed. Just visit those rules and click "Ok" to clean them up.
We have absolutely no red exclamation points or errors.
The forms, workflow, controls all work how they were created to.
We went into each of the edit states, wiggled the radio buttons around as suggested in another post, saved again and still nothing works.
Are these errors all on the same view? This could be tedious, but check out the view and visit all of the rules and their configuration options, just click through next... next... ok on all of them Just to make absolutely certain it doesn't have some residual link to a control that was removed.
Thank you!
We did this a few times and then realized that the packages were being 'edited' and not created as new. So once we created a new package, the errors went away.
Appreciate your help!