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I have 4 different forms that a user needs to filled in before it can be submited in a workflow. I would like validate all 4 forms before submitting. The problem is the user can submit from either form 1,2,3 or 4. So I'm looking for a methodology to best check all four forms before allowing the user to submit.



Based on the information you have supplied, this is how I would do it.


I am making these assumptions:

  • that your forms are Smartforms
  • that your users must complete one form before moving to another, though not necessarily in a particular order
  • that all 4 forms msut be completed before the workflow moves to the next step


Add a data field to your SO called "Counter" with a default value of 0.

As each form is completed, validate the data using the "If the form passes validation" rule and then save your data, setting Counter to an expression of Counter = Counter + 1.

Then have a rule to evaluate the value of Counter and if Counter = 4, then action the workflow item.


If this won't work in your scenario, please give more specific details of you need. There are a lot of smart people on the forums and somebody should be able to help you.

This should work. But if anyone has other ideas. Would like to hear them.


thank you

