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Trouble linking SQL View to Smartobject

  • 13 April 2018
  • 9 replies

Hi all,


I seem to be having issues adding a specific view to a smartobject.


The view itself is made up of two tables joined via a Union. When linking to smartobject it is unable to pull in any of the properties or methods across, even when I attempt to create them manually.


Anyone ever seen issues like this?

Hi Martin774,


Can you share a screenshot of what happens when you try to link to a view?


HI Gareth,


See below:


When pressing create all nothing happens.


Kind Regards,


Hi Martin,


Please can you give me the steps on how to recreate these two tables on my side?


I would like to see if I get the same issue.

Hi Gareth,


See schema below:


Table 1
First name
Last name

Table 2

LogonID AS 'Username'
,First name + ' ' + Last name as sName]
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table1.Username = Table3.Username


UserID AS 'Username'
,>Name] AS 'Name'
From Table 2




Hi Martin,


I created my tables as follows:



I then ran the following script:


[LogonID] AS 'Username',[First Name] + ' ' + [Last Name] as [Name]
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table3 ON Table1.Username = Table3.Username


UserID AS 'Username',[Name] AS 'Name'
From Table2


Did you follow this documentation to create the SQL Service Instance?

The SQL service instance I am using is already registered and has smartobjects linking to tables already.



Also noting the view itself is referencing another Database within the same SQL instance. 


The view is sat in DB1 but references data in DB2.

Hi Martin,


I think I misunderstood you.


1) Did you create a view of the two SQL tables?

2) And now you are trying to create a Smartobject based off the SQL View? 


In the K2 Designer, when I drag the View onto the canvas, I see the following:




I also found this link, which may be helpful:


Hi Gareth,


I created the view which unions two tables (with a join onto a third) as seen on the code I sent in previous post, the view is sat on a database that is registered as a service instance in K2, however the two tables it calls from are within another database that is on the same SQL server instance.

Hi Martin,


Please can you log a K2 Support ticket for this issue?


In the ticket, you can make a request for Gareth.


I am interested in knowing why this issue is occuring.


Kind regards,

