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When you click on tree control parent node name and later on click on "+" button to expand that node changed event executes multiple times depends on the child element present inside that parent node.


See Below example:- When i click on Parent1(text) and then click on "+" button of Parent1, event fires 2 times. If i do same on Parent2, event fires 3 times.


+ Parent1

    +Child 1.1

     +Child 1.2


     +Child 2.1

      +Child 2.2

      +Child 3.3

How to solve this issues in K2 5.3 version?

Hi bhushanborole


See the attached linke below for a fix


Should you find the information from the article useful or leading you to the answer please mark as "Solution and/or Kudo", as it will assist other k2 developers with relevant information in the near future.


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I already went through that articles and if i set the Load Ahead Level property to 2, It works only upto 2 levels.


I have more than 9 level of tree structure.  If we setup Load Ahead Level property more than 2 it causes performance issue as well.

Hi bhushanborole


You can log a ticket to support and request for  assistance 




Below solution works for me and it is work around for Tree View Control:-

  • Keep Load Ahead Level property to 1 (As default setting) or set to none.
  • On Tree Change Event add below Advance Condition to check ID of parent node if it not equal then only execute logic(rules) that you want.
  • Add Data Label(Flag) on View or Form and set Value as 0.
  • Add below condition in Changed Event:-
  • When Tree is Changed
  •    If an Advanced Condition is True (Tree is not empty & Flag is not equal to ID) See image Tree.png
  •           Execute Your Logic Rules.
  •           Set Flag = Tree Current ID (View -->Control-->Tree-->Data Source-->ID) See image Tree1.png

So on changed event it will not loop mutiple time for same ID of your clickable parent node.
