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We are trying to send tasks to an Outlook Mailbox Group but it doesn't appear anybody can action it.


I've seen some other forum posts and read that it won't be available via the task list - but didn't see anything about users actioning the task.


We have users that would like to send it to the mailbox group instead of creating an AD Group where all members in the group get emails.  They'd like to utilize the 1 email to 1 mailbox group and have anybody in that mailbox group have option to action the task.


Is this an option? Or any workarounds?


The emails should come through, however, an Outlook Mailbox Group will not get an identity in K2 and will not be able to assign the task to any users in this group. Would we be able to use a K2 Role instead? This would not be an AD group and we can assign the task to this Role just like a group.

The situation we have right now is there are over 500 records of 'Sub Category' Requests. 

Each of these requests could have anywhere from 1 - 10 step approvals - ALL Different.  

We created a SmartBox to hold the data, custom instructions & the approval AD Groups. 
SubCategory 1 -   Apples -  SubCat1Approval1AD   / SubCat1Approval2AD
SubCategory 2 -   Grapes -  SubCat2Approval1AD  / SubCat2Approval2AD  / SubCat2Approval3AD

Then the workflow goes and look at the record dynamically based on the PrimKey of the SubCategory in SQL and send the task to the recipients in the AD Group for that step.

One of the business owners wanted to have us send to an OutlookMailbox and anybody in the mailbox could action the task.  (Not send 5 individual emails to the 5 people in the AD Group)

Hopefully that made sense.


I'm getting requested again to send tasks to a Shared Mailbox.  

We are currently using an AD Groups for ALL of our task routings.


With a K2 Role -  could you add the AD Group into the Role and still have it work? 

Or just add the names into the Role? 


Our Solution Desk is needing a better way to handle the multitude of tasks they get and having things emailed to all 6 of them is getting tedious.
