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If I create Task A and that task has been assigned a role, Role A that has two (2) people in it. The expected behavior is that the task gets sent out to the two (2) people that are within Role A. This works just fine.


Here is my real question...


IF Task A has sent tasks out to the two (2) people in role A and AFTER the task has been sent out, the membership to that role has changed, does K2 add or remove task assignments to users based on the changes to Role A? So if I added a person to Role A after Task A was sent out, will the third person now have access to action Task A? If not, what is a workaround for this?


If you are using K2's built-in roles to assign the tasks, then yes, it automatically picks upo role changes and assigns the tasks appropriately. Otherwise, you would need to reassign the worklist items away from the people no longer in the role to people newly added to the role.

What do you mean by K2's built in roles? Meaning, if I create a role in K2 and use that created role to assign a task within a workflow smartforms task?

Correct - using the roles created in K2 instead of your own custom way of assigning tasks to users/groups/roles. It sounds like you are using K2's roles so you should be good based on my understanding of how they work, but it would be best to perform a quick test to confirm.



Perhaps this document might help. You can also run the UMUser > Get Role Users method to check the role membership.

Hi MrSharePoint,


Based on K2 5.1, when you created this role, did you check the "Refresh on Worklist" option?


When you add a new user to the role, the user receives existing worklist items assigned to the role when they log in or when the worklist refreshes. Select the check box if you want the K2 server to refresh worklist items based on the latest role membership.

If you don’t select the Refresh with Worklist option, any changes you make to the Role's membership only affects new worklist items.


NOTE: This option only applies to User Task steps where you do not check the Resolve Groups to individuals check box. When you check this option, the role is resolved to individual users as if you assigned the task to those users instead of the role, which causes the step to essentially not use the role or its Refresh with Worklist option. By default, Refresh with Worklist is unchecked because it does result in additional load on the server. You should only use this option if you have dynamic roles (such as in a call center scenario where users are continually rolling into and out of the queue) and your workflow tasks are assigned to the role without resolving the role to individual users.



Thanks Jean, that was a much more comprehensive answer than mine

This has been helpful. Thank you! 

hello if i have been add some users to role after i assign task to that role how I can send this task to the new users,I already tried , select the checkbox“ refresh worklist” that in role tab in Management but this option is not saved not working?!

Note I’m using k2 5.2

There is definitely seems to be an issue on the roles page in management with saving the "refresh with worklist" setting. Please log a support ticket for that. I have found though that if you go to the page to manage the workflow and click on roles tab you can set the "refresh with worklist" setting there and it does save correctly and then properly redistribute the tasks when the role changes. The refresh interval will come into play so it will not redistribute the tasks immediately. The other thing that you need to check is that on the task step in the options section of the Task Result Rule that the "Resolve groups to individuals" checkbox is unchecked. This configuration is required for the refresh with worklist feature to work as it assigns the task to the Role rather than to the indiviudals in the Role.


I hope this helps.

thank you..


The other issue here is that you can claim a task but the releasing of a task back to the role absolutely does not work right now. You can try to release the task but it releases it back to the user that already initialy claimed or opened the task;no one else can see it.


Has anyone else expeireiced this? This is a major product bug and I hear a fix has been in the works since 2018 Q3...
