Hello All,
Is there a way to suppress the email notifications for specific users/email IDs across all workflows (all user task emails).
Currently in the workflow > Content browser > "Send Email task notification" property, disabling the property, will disable the task email for that user event, and wouldn't send task email notification for the tasks that get assigned.
Example: Considering the below workflow. Let's say User 'A' & 'B' are Manager's and can recieve tasks when thier subordinates raise a request. However, the user 'A' doesn't want to recieve any emails on task assignment (Manager Approval User Event in this case), and will only see & make approvals from WorkSpace > Inbox. And the user 'A' don't want any email notification from for any of the workflows
Is there a way, any of you have done something or come across to suppress the email notifcations to specific users.