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Split to several tasks to be auctioned independently

  • 21 March 2018
  • 1 reply

Hello All,

An enthusiastic new K2 users here. I am building a workflow from ground up. One of the main issues I am running to now is that after using a split rule to fire up up to three tasks, I am finding that as soon as I action 1 task on my worklist, all the other ones disappear (from the worklist) as if they were still somehow linked even though they are different task.

When I click on the links received by email I am told that I cannot action them, again a behavior I have seen for the same task assigned to different users.


Would anyone please be able to give me a hint on how to "unlink" all the tasks? Down the road they will be assigned to different users (I am wondering though if that behavior is happening because all the tasks are assigned to me in the testing phase).


Thanks a lot in advance!


Are you using users or group that contains multiple users? What I have noticed if one of the users in the Destination is "Originator" then only one task is send and if you have multiple of the same users a single task is created, if you have multiple different users it works.

In the Recipient Rule ensure you have "All Recipients" selected
See screenshot

On the task result rule be sure to have "Consensus" selected
See screenshot
