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I am constantly having the problem when deploying a package with a SharePoint online  doc. library involved, I am constantly getting incompatibility issues. I have done all of the necessary fixes that come from K2 helpdesk and KB articles, like regenerating the SMO's again, all do not seem to help at all. I have also generating a new SMO. My last round of problems that went to 3rd tier helpdesk , was only to hear. we cant help you, this is a Microsoft problem 😞 Two questions here

1) does anybody else have this problem?

2) If so, what are your workarounds/fixes here? 


The only workaround that I know is to completely start from beginning, (New SP Doc Lib and create new SMO)


This is SOO frustrating!


Would you mind sharing the exact error messages or warnings you are getting when deploying packages involving SharePoint?


thanks for the reply!! see attached. The weird thing here is that I deployed this same package about a week ago. 

the source and target SP sites are both Modern sites. 


thanks for the reply!! see attached. The weird thing here is that I deployed this same package about a week ago. 

the source and target SP sites are both Modern sites. 



If you restart the K2 service, then does the issue go away?

nope, when comparing the fields in the doc. lib. there are really differences between the two doc. libs. in site A, I have the field "Extracted text" and the "Tags" field and in Site B both of these fields do not exist.
I cant believe that I am the only person having this problem, how is everyone else getting around this problem.
