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I'm in the process of working on an existing workflow, whenever I click on the "Submit" event in the workflow designer, I get an error that pops up saying "Server Error. An error has occurred" (workflow error screen shot). I remoted in to my server, and ran the Configuration Analysis and K2 Server tools, and got the errors shown in the "server" screen shot that I've attached. 


Any ideas what could be causing this? 


What does it say when you click the "Database Health" node? It may provide more details on the issue there

All it says is Analysis Result: Passed

No database errors or version discrepancies detected

Oh I see that now, sorry, I didn't realize you had the Database Health node selected in that screenshot. Odd that it would be in red as if there were failures but yet report that it passed in the details. Try hitting "Analyze" when that node is selected and see if it changes its tune.

No worries.

Same thing

Are you able to connect to the database configured for this K2 instance as the configured service account?

Perhaps run through the entire configuration wizard and see what it says at the database configuration step.

I can't connect with the service account because I don't have the login credentials for that account. However, I can submit a new workflow without issue and it routes it to the appropriate endpoints. It also writes data back to the tables and I can see everything in the tables as well as the emails that get sent out

What account are you using to run the configuratin analysis tool?

My admin account 
