Having received great advice and responses on my last question regarding setting up a custom SQL Server database to host content, I have some follow-up questions. First, a quick overview:
- We're outgrowing SharePoint and have decided to stand up a new SQL Server 2016 database to host K2 content (totally separate from our K2 app database)
- We're using K2 Five on-premises and our database will also be on-prem within our firewall
- We have Active Directory on-prem, synched to Azure AD
Questions before we create the database:
- Is SQL Server 2016 Standard edition a good choice or is another option recommended?
- Does K2 care about what the new database or server is named?
- In one of our K2 classes, we learned that either Impersonate or Service Account would normally be used to connect to SQL databases. Is one recommended one over the other? We want to ensure we’re setting up proper permissions to the database. I assume Impersonate would require granting large numbers of AD users read/write permissions to the database, while Service Account would just mean we’d open it to the K2 service account. Is that correct?
- Also, would using Service Account present any challenges with auditing transactions in SQL (i.e., if all actions appear to be performed by the Service account?).
Thanks everyone!