Hello Mdavid88,
I suggest you follow the article because usually the steps in it have been tested before they are actually published. After you have done so, check the update history of your server to see if the FPs/CUs still exist (I think they will be gone and the server will be back to normal with no fix packs or CUs installed) in which case I suggest you install the latest CU to your environment. After applying a latest CU there wont be a need to apply a fix pack prior to it because CUs contain all bug fixes to all bugs that have been reported. If you find that the FPs/CUs still exist when you check your update history, just apply the latest CU still.
Latest CUs for specific K2 Five versions:
1.K2 Five 5.0 -> K2 Five (5.0) September 2018 Cumulative Update
2.K2 Five 5.1 -> K2 Five (5.1) November 2018 Cumulative Update
3.K2 Five 5.2 -> K2 Five (5.2) May 2019 Cumulative Update
4.K2 Five 5.3 -> Note that a CU does not exist as yet and you can install the latest fix pack instead K2 Five (5.3) FP4
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