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My custom formula vanishes and is replaced by "Object"

  • 20 August 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi Team,


I have been creating some custom formulas and today when wanting to edit one, it had vanished.

This is how I have been creating them and what it should look like.

But today when going to edit one, it shows this:

When I test it in preview it works as intended. I spent a lot of time creating the formula, so I am hoping there is a way for me to recoup the code?


Any advice is appreciated.




Please try the steps below:

1. Query the following tables to look for the GUID of the View/Form:

  • View (checked in): Form.View table
  • View (checked out): Form.View_Design table
  • Form (checked in): Form.Form table
  • Form (checked out): Form.Form_Design table

2. When you save or finish a view or form, an entry is made in the Form.AuditLog table of the K2 database. To retrieve a list of the available versions of the view or form, replace the GUID in the SQL query below with the ID you obtained in step 1:

SELECT * FROM CForm].OAuditLog]
where rData] Like '%<insert form GUID here>%'
and order by datetime desc​​​​​​

3. The Xml column will contain the entire View/Form definition. You can copy the XML into an XML viewer and see if you can find your custom formula.


The steps above are extracted from the following KB article:

This is with Nintex Automation Cloud, and the KB article suggests it’s for K2 only?

Please try the steps below:

1. Edit the View/Form in K2 Designer

2. Open a developer tools > click on Network and filter by AJAX calls ("XHR").

3. Click Finish button to save the Form or View without making any changes. 

4. In the Network trace, click on AjaxCall.ashx and look for the XML definition in the Payload tab:

View the detail in the trace
Notice the method: saveView or saveForm in the FormData
Notice the xml: this will be the XML definition

For your reference, see image attached:


Copy the value into an XML Viewer and see if you can find your formula.

If the above steps do not help, I would suggest you log a case with Nintex Support for further assistance.

Hi @BJHutchison 
Have you managed to resolve this?

It had to do with the rich text formatting. In plain text it shows fine but in rich text it doesn’t.
