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  Good evening. I have an question about some possebilities for resolving values from Smartobject. We wanna create a control (textbox, picker or something like that), which can resolving a values when user writes text in this field. A closest solution to this, is usage of picker, but there user must click an Enter button and click on unresolved element and only then picker control shows to user possible choises of information he inputted. We tries a different ways, like rules on control changed, but we failed again. Control work should be like this - user starts typing some info, for example "VAS", and picker without clicking additional enter button get list with possible choises based on inputted info. For example list displays to user - "VAS Latvijas valsts radio un televizijas centrs","VAS Autotransports lv". User can click on one of theese suggestions and recieve data that SmartObject contains with this choise name (VAS Latvijas valsts radio un televizijas centrs). 

Is there some method or control that can provide to us this functionality? Or this is Out of the box case? Thank you for Your attention to our question



Maybe the autocomplete control will work for you.

OMG, i hadn't saw this control. Thank you very much. This is exactly what we need
