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Are there limits or restrictions on how many columns a list view can have? 
Running into some behavior on a list view populating from a Stored Procedure (35 columns) that the list will take forever to load and open up.  Sometimes the view will open and sometimes the view will error out and not load at all. 

If the stored procedure / smartobject is updated with new column - the view seems to error out and then I'm forced to create a new view / expressions / functionality and add it to the form again.


This does not seem pratical.  

Basic function I need this for is because I need to export the data into an excel file.

Anybody else having this behavior or suggestions.


Hi AAschenbrener,


The last time I check, there is a limit of 30 columns when you generate views from a SmartObject. Let me know if this helps with your inquiry.



I have a support ticket into K2 for this issue and the agent assigned did not know of any limitation. If 30 is the limit for views, that will cause some complications for my project. 

Any suggestions on how to provide the solution the customer is requesting?

Hi  @AAschenbrener,


The other option is to use the following broker


This will allow you to export excel using ADO query, let me know if this helps or if you need further information


I have tested this broker in K2 Five, it works as expected



I ended up using the oDATA API after finding some instructions on that K2 piece. Seems to provide what I need for the time being. Thank you!
