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Good Morning all, 

I'm having a interesting problem on my K2 SQL DB. The transaction logs are going crazy. I have read some other posts in the help tickets that indicate substantial growth such as 2 or 3 gb but I am seeing 10gb in the last hour. I cannot seem to find a way in which to determine what is causing all of the transaction logs to occur and why they are getting so huge. Can anyone point me in the right direction to either stop this from occuring or to actually see the transaction logs so that I can try and trace what is occuring. Please Note: I am aware of changing the logs to simple and clearing the out. I would like to figure out why they are growing.


Thanks for the help! This is one of the best communities I have experienced, so very much appreciate any help possible.


First thing I would look for are "running" process instances in K2 Management that are not stopping.  I'm wondering if there are processes stuck in a loop of some  kind which would cause the state and the logs of a process to grow and grow.  If you can't stop the process(es) (which you might not be able to if its in a loop) then you'll want to raise a ticket with K2 right away as it'll require a direct database edit to put those processes into an error state and stop them from running.


Otherwise you might want to investigate if any new processes where recently deployed which may have some design issues that are causing lots of information to be stored to the K2 transaction logs.  Things to look out for would be information stored to K2 datafields like attachments or large xml files.


Doing a sql trace on the K2 db might also help figure out the culprit.


Without more information those are the things I would check first.







