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I have just upgraded to K2 5 , all my existing K2 4.7 workflows are working as specified . I have updated my client tools and can modify and maintain my existing workflows . These workflows have a number of integrations that will not work in the K2 cloud , so as part of our migration tasks we need to rework the workflows using the K2 5 designer. 

My Question :-

Once I have rewritten the workflow using the K2 5 designer can I deploy the workflow to the K2 5 workflow server as the latest version of the K2 4.7 workflow I am replacing ,

for example after migration

I have a workflow named  Workflow in a  catagory "Employment" :- "Employment" has two workflow "onboarding" & "Signoff"

I develop two new workflows Employment "Onboarding" and  "Signoff" in K2 5 , when I deploy I want them to superceed the current 4.7 workflows , What I dont want is two workflows named "onboarding" and two named "Signoff"



Unfortunately, I don't think you can directly overwrite the existing 4.7 workflows with their K2 5 ones. You'll need to seperate them by a folder, probably leaving the 4.7 processes where they are and putting the K2 5 ones in their own folder.

I have looked further into this issue

So it is possible to update workflows tht have been created using K2 for VisualStudio but not those created using the K2 for Sharepoint workflow designer .

The important thing is to get the workflow system name use smartobject "Proess Definition" -> Method List process Definitions" .

The System name consists of the Category workflow name 

for example if we have a K2 4.7 workflow named HRWF.HR.MyFirstHRWorkflow

in the K2 5 designer create the folder HR ("this is a category" wished K2 could use the same terminology in the product)

And call your workflow WF.HR.FirstHRWorkflow

then deploy it and it becomes the latest version released -------- rerun the samrtobject tool to see the deployed workflow

