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Is there a way to join 3 SmartObjects into 1 Method??  I am running into issues once I join my third one.


Basically I have the following SMO.


EnvironmentTable -  ID / FormID

SafetySMO -  ID / Form ID

FormSMO - FormID / Description


I would love to join all of them together into a composite SMO with -

MAIN FORM ID (IDs from Environment / Safety)  / FormDescription  

And show all values from the Environment / Safety.   Like a SQL Join.


I can create individual Methods to display  Environment + Form  /   Safety + Form  and they display correctly.

But when I try adding a third it breaks.


Or can I display both methods onto 1 view?



I would recommend building a SQL stored procedure for this scenario. Multiple joins can have a performance especially if you plan filter a lot of data.


Unfortunately, the way the company is using K2 with just SmartObjects on the K2 server - a Stored Procedure isn't an really an option.  Is there any other methods to do this?

Can you elaborate on what breaks when you try to join the third table? It should be possible to add as many joins as you want to a method of a SmartObject. Screenshots would help us understand the scenario better as well.

I can do the joins in two seperate methods and it works perfect.


When I do 1 method with all the SMOS and 2 links - it breaks.


Basically I have 2 SMOS to hold form data and I need to join it to the Form SMO to give form name.   For filter purposes.


See screenshots.  Hopefully that helps.  Only way I've been able to make it work is a right join from the Form to the primary.

I'm sorry but I would like to know what you mean by it breaks when you add the additional link - does it throw an error? If so, can I please see a screenshot of the error and how your are setting up the links? The details of each row in the "Service Method Links" tab would be most helpful.

The columns are blank. 


If I have one setup - it works and displays


When I set up a method with 1 link - the data appears.

When I setup a method with 2 links - the data does not appear.

Links are:
1st Link:  Form SMO right join to my Environment Table - on the FORMID

2nd Link:  Form SMO right join to my Safety Table - on the FORMID


The Blank Column image is how it displays when I setup 2 links (1 for Environment / 1 for Safety)

The Filled in Column image is how it displays when I just have 1 link. (1 for either of the above alone)


Attaching images again below.



What I'm utimately trying to accomplish is this:


A.column1 as ID,
A.column 2 as FormID,
B.FormDescr, B.FormCategory
from table A join  table B on A.FormID = B.FormID 


C.column1 as ID,
C.column 2 as FormID,
B.FormDescr, B.FormCategory
from table C join  table B on A.FormID = B.FormID

I can get this to work in SQL but I can't get it to work using three regular SmartBox SMOs.   With the current business practice here -  I can't create my own SQL Views / Stored Procedures on the K2 Database.   So I'm needing to use Out of the Box functionality if at all possible.

I can get them to individually work but that doesn't help me when I need to have 1 list of everything joined together. 

I've attached screenshots in previous threads that hopefully give an idea.

After discussions - I was able to get it to the point where I am allowed to create Stored Procedures on a different database that got me a solution I needed. 

Ok, great! Sorry I couldn't help you with our other approach, it should've been possible but I couldn't figure out what was going wrong.
