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After starting a Workflow through the "Start a Workflow" rule in Designer I can successfully kick off a simple Workflow to send out an email. Once I add a Task and assign it to a Recipent found using the browse option and redeploy. The process errors and give me the little information.


I also can't view the "View Flow" which I currently have permissions to view. (Which is upsetting and confusing as to why).


I feel as though some configurations may be off, but I can't be sure. Another thing I see often is when editing a Workflow its somehow gets checked out by the k2web.svc rather then myself. Which I then need to update the values in the DB to again get access.




Your notes about not being able to see viewflow and editing the workflow under the service account seem to indiate something is not configured correctly.  I am assuming this is an on-premise instance.  You may wish to contact K2 Remote Mentoring service and have them do a review of your installation.



I had our server team look into the issue, we were able to update the DNS settings which worked some items out, but I'm still running into an issue with not being able to view the "View Flow" when things go bad. 


I've just been sending an email with variables prior to issues at this time, but a better breakdown in that "View Flow" would be helpful.


