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How to: Point K2 to a specific AD Organizational Unit Please Help.

  • 16 February 2017
  • 1 reply

Hi All,


I have been trying to figure out how to point a K2 installation I am dealing with to a specific OU in Active Directory. The situation is that the client I am dealing with is part of a much larger organization and they are part of the over all active directroy on the domain. 


The Active Directory has over 40 000 users which is causing serious performance issues and poses a security risk because other users from other business units could potentially authenticate.


What I have done as a test is to specify the LDAP string on the AD service instance to the specfic OU that the client users belong to. This works perfectly and retrieves only the OU users and groups for that belong to the client.


However the K2 User Manager in Blackpearl is still pointing to the main domain which means that whenever I try to set process rights or server rights I have to wait a full 5 mins before any user actually resolved. I would like to know if in workspace (or K2 Management) if I change the LDAP string for for the user manager under the K2 security label would this then force the User Manager to only cache that OU  ?


Kind regards,


Helgard Wagener

1 reply

I know this is an old post, but did you ever figure out how to do this?  We have the same issue and would like to limit K2 to a specific OU.



