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By mistake I deleted data field in my workflow created in designer (K2 Five), I closed the window as I did not want to save changes. But it did not ask me that If I want to save changes or not and saved the workflow with errors (and incremented the version too). As I did not deploye that workflow, so I downloaded from K2 management to sync it with the worklow instance in designer.  But I am not able to open that downloaded workflow file in Browser or K2 Studio.


Is there any way I can check my deployed workflow and can start work on that, or I can go to previous version (in designer, not in managment).





You can try the steps listed here. Make a backup of your K2 database before going ahead with the steps.

You should be able to delete your newest version of the workflow. 


Once you do that, your older version should show up for you to double click on and open.



Thanks for response, but could you please help me to find a way to delete the lates version from designer.

As I am not able to open KBA from k2 site.





Steps to change Designtime Version


The following steps are a workaround that allows you to roll back the design time version of your workflow to a specific deployed version

1. In Process Details open the Versions Tab, set the desired version as default. 


2. Delete all previous versions, up to the desired one you want to continue designing from. In this sample I deleted all except the Default:






3. Navigate to K2 Designer and note the designer version is still




4. Use the Delete button to delete the workflow:




5. Note that the Workflow disappears from the tree and then re-populates with the only version available, Version 1.0. 




6. Click on Edit and you will see version 1.0 of the workflow in designer to continue development.


But how do you restore a previous designtime version (not a runtime version) e.g. when I am on version and want to restore
