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Hi Mates ,


On my item view i had 2 dropdown control and Save & Submit button.

On save button i am saving data on DB and on Submit button i will validation if user select any value from dropdown using Form Passes validation.

problem is that if user not select data and click on Submit, control get validated and it highlighted with Red color which is as expected. now user click on Save with blank dropdown, Data get save  but the control still have those validation 

How we can remove those validation on Save button as on Save i don’t want to validate anything.



You may try user transfer data rules when Save button click. like this

First transfer just pass some value of dropdown list,

Second transfer just checked the dropdown, and not pass value anythins. like picture below.


i Macky,

Thanks for your reply but it does not work.

I tried below approch and it works for me. 

1. Hide the View

2. Show the view

